Plenty of work has gone into the garden, with plenty more before we’re done for the year.
Both beds are built and we had a few yards of compost/soil dumped in the yard. Gabe acted like it was Christmas in April he was so excited to play in the dirt pile.
While Gabe rolled around in the dirt, Graydon insisted on being as helpful as possible. I was shoveling dirt into a wheelbarrow, so she was going to shovel dirt, too…
One tiny shovelful at a time…
And she kept plugging with her one scoop of dirt, I’m very proud of her budding work ethic…
Gabe got worked up for the chance to water the garden- he was much more open to work if it meant soaking stuff with a hose.
White stakes are marking out a future fence that will hopefully keep the rabbits out. I’m planning on building it so that I can add two more beds to the left with minimal fence reconfiguration fuss.
I’m trying to turn some of the bumper crop of rocks into the walkway instead of having gravel brought in. The soil is so full of rocks, I’m not too worried about having a deep sand bed for the pavers. All I need to do now is find a ton (probably literally) of large-but-flattish rocks and finish up the walkway, put a cap of natural stone on the cement block beds, and then build the fence. And a spigot. And something else I’ve probably forgotten. And then, with a little luck and low weeds, I can concentrate on bringing in the tomatoes!