Pinewood derby


(added a couple more pics at the end 3/25/13)

Part of Gabe’s Cub Scout experience is building a race car for the Pinewood Derby.  I particularly wanted Gabe to really be the own process as much as possible.  The standard kit comes with a block of wood, nails for axles, and four wheels- the bare minimum requirements to get started.

Gabe and I sporadically talked about his design for a while and he eventually traced out a rather curvy profile on the side of the block.  I clamped the block down to my work bench, gave the Gaberoni a walk through of how to handle a coping saw and let him get to work:

gabe pinewood derby

I started the cut for him, but after that it was up to him to finish up:

gabe pinewood derby

After cutting the nose of the car, I think he considered how much effort the first cut took.  He revisited his design, decided to simplify.  He ended up getting a lesson with the miter saw and cutting off the rear at sloped angle.  Here he is showing off the rough body:

gabe pinewood derby

With the rough shaping down, next up was a bit of drum sanding with the drill press:

gabe pinewood derby

There was more sanding, then auto body paint.  This is Gabe, getting in some practice runs.  We had orange paint left over from a chair overhaul project.  This was one area that I had to really help him- he needed a steady hand to help guide him with the spray paint.

gabe pinewood derby

After paint was complete, it was time to assemble the race car.  We used axle guards.  Tiny screws called for tiny screwdrivers.

gabe pinewood derby

The axels are basically nails that get tapped in:

gabe pinewood derby


This is the basic car:



Gabe with his finished product, click for full size:

gabe pinewood derby

gabe pinewood derby 2013

Gabe’s race car in action.  Gabe’s race car consultant (yours truly) underestimated the importance of reaching maximum legal weight and it cost precious fractions of seconds in some of his runs:

gabe pinewood derby

Lesson learned- Team Gaberoni is expecting to field a faster car next year.  Gabe was keeping his runs relatively competitive and was eyeing a top three finish, which would give him a medal:

gabe pinewood derby

This is not a medal for a top 3 finish.  This is a medal for best wreck.  Gabe flamed out on his last run.  I think there was more than a little earnest Gaberoni lobbying of the medal committee- but the end result speaks for itself!

I found a couple more pics from the phone to add- very proud of my the job my Scout did with his car!  (Internet Explorer folks- sorry if the pic doesn’t cooperate)

gabe pinewood derby

gabe pinewood derby

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