Long drought of posting- been very busy with a baby and the way and lots of home remodeling to be done. Here is a snippet from my .emacs file, put here for my own reference more than anything. If you are the type who digs this sort of thing, feel free to comment and/or improve upon it.
;; insert a generic perl header block ;;
(defun perl-header-block()
(insert “#!/usr/bin/perln”)
(insert “# ==================================================================n”)
(insert “# Author: Danny Andersonn”)
(insert “#n”)
(insert “# Date: n”)
(insert “#n”)
(insert “# Purpose: n”)
(insert “#n”)
(insert “# Usage: n”)
(insert “#n”)
(insert “# ==================================================================n”)
(insert “nn”)
(insert “use strict;n”)
(forward-line -10)
(forward-line 4)
(insert ” ./”)
(insert (buffer-name))
(insert ” “)
(forward-line -2)
i am reading script. is it because i am on a mac? tried to log on earlier and couldn’t get a password. let me know, for i am interested in the corpse.
No silly rabbit- you are reading script because it *is* script. This post is not for everyone. In this case “e” is not for “emacs”. Nor macs, though there is emacs on the mac. Following so far?