I love Finetune! (updated)

[Update 2] Fixed a broken link or two. More good stuff- you can cruise to finetune.com and listen to featured playlists and such. There are also “radio stations” with specific themes- I’m listening to 1960s Top 40 as I update this post- sing it, Gary Puckett! Also, if you enter an artist in the search bar, say “Tom Waits”, Finetune will start playing “Tom Waits” radio, which I guess is something like an on the fly playlist of Waits and related artists.

[Update] Ryan from Finetune has a comment in below- there isn’t a rule stating songs can be only played once a day. Ooops. I think what I was trying to say is that if I am playing a particular playlist, I can fast forward through the tracks, but I can’t go backwards- I get a “this song has already been played” message. Other than that, my only update is that I really love the Wii player.

Finetune is an online music player. Signup and login and you will be creating playlists like crazy in just a few minutes. The width and breadth of the artists available is impressive. Playlists have a few rules- max of 3 songs per artist and songs can only be played once a day.

One of the neat features is the related artists and the “I’m Lazy!” button. If there are at least 3 songs in a particular list, pushing the “I’m Lazy!” button will make a fuzzy best guess at what will fill out the playlist of 45 songs.

Another super groovy feature is the Wii player. That’s right, the finetune player works on the Nintendo Wii. I also can embed the player in a web page, like below. The player below uses the same interface as you see if you were to play it through the Wii. I find it very slick, especially for the wireless remote controllers that the game console uses- excellent job on usablility and maintaining the Wii look and feel.

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1 Response to I love Finetune! (updated)

  1. Ryan says:

    There is no once per day restriction…not sure where you got that from!

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