My friend Jake

Jake takes some cool pictures, take a look at There are some aquarium triptychs on his site that I really like. Here’s one he just took in the Sierra Buttes (click the scaled image for a much larger version):

Here’s the quick note that accompanied the picture:

I just back from a photo shoot camping trip.

Rather nippy out there. We rolled up onto camp at
6,800 feet in the back country. That’s one gnarly road
to 4w up. My buddy Jake has a nice truck. I think my
Rad 4 would make it but it would be pushing a new
limit. There was 6″ of snow on the campsite when we
got there at 3pm. The second day, the guy who runs the
station down the mountain said it was 25 degrees the
first night we slept there. Ah, northface sleeping
bag… toasty.

Check out the pic attached. I’m pretty excited about
the shots I got. I haven’t even gotten in the shower
yet, but just got home and did the file management and
put together this draft image. Depending on the grain
of the images, I’m thinking I should be able to print
each individual image at about 16″ x 20″ so that will
make for a nice triptych at about 52″ x 22″ when
framed and hung.

The pic shows what is basically the view the campsite
has. There’s a mid size lake between the base of the
mountains and camp.

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