A little Graydie and a bunch of Gabe

Some odds and ends to make up for lost time:
Poor Graydon has been getting short shrift on the Unknown Dog. For Graydie fans out there, don’t worry, her time is coming…

There are some pics from Gabe’s birthday, about 6 weeks ago…Gabe had a big time this year!
gabe and paula
Gabe and Paula, aka Aunt PoPo (Gabe’s choice of words, Paula is not involved in law enforcement that I am aware of), are putting together a gift from Virginia.

Grandpa Roy Dog
Grandpa Roy Dog (tenatively called g-Pop, just today by mister Gabe), brought a kite!

roy dog and jorge
Uncle George (gee-orge) is wishing he had a kite that cool looking…

birthday cake
The lovely wife made an Elmo cake that was delish!

Gabe loved his construction playset so much he brought it to bed with him, all while sporting some cool frog pajamas.

Headed to the farmer’s market
Gabe is just about too big for it, but we have a backpack (courtesy of the Mullen family) that we are still putting through the wringer. Here’s some poorly timed self pics with child:
gabe and danny

gabe and danny

gabe and danny

Here, waiting for Gabe and I to stop clowning around, is the rest of the family, looking cool in their sunglasses:
graydon and jennifer

A few weeks back, I found an absolutely huge earthworm tooling around in our makeshift compost pile. I brought it inside to the kid to see if he wanted to see it. He had a minor freakout, yelling “Nake! Nake! Naaaake!”. He was not outright scared, but he wasn’t exactly thrilled, either.

This weekend, getting ready to cut grass, I found a decent sized garter snake, about a foot long. I decided to give it another try with Gabe. He was definitely more receptive this time. He would even reach out and touch it, only to jump back and laugh-slash-shriek “Nake!!”
gabe, danny, and snake

gabe, danny, and snake

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