I’ve been given a heads up that our e-mail accounts at work will be under increased scrutiny “for both quantity and content.” This came in both the form of a general corporate mass mailing and, more recently, a statement from my manager. Normally I would just blow off the corporate mass mailing and pay only slightly more attention to it coming from my manager, but in a department that consists of 90 people who were told last week that 30 were being laid-off, I don’t find it hard to put two and two together. If The Man is looking for a way to make some otherwise tough decisions, what better way to narrow down the field than by taking a few people off the books by firing them for improper use of company assets?
I was told the “occasional personal e-mail” is ok, just please keep them clean going to my work account. Greg and I are probably the only ones that have to worry about the quantity as some days we go on long e-mail marathons. As a result, I might be making more use of this blog to just babble during the day. Dan, do you know of any obscure Internet hosted e-mail sites that might work, bturnip adminstered or otherwise? They have firewalls that prevent us from accessing all the big ones, so I can’t get into my Yahoo mail or anything like that from work.
I can set up you with a bturnip.com address, which you could then access via web interface.
Yeah, that would be great. tjm@bturnip.com s’il te plait. I’ve always wanted a simple three-letter e-mail address. I’m tempted to even go t@bturnip.com.
Just in case you see a post here earlier than you get an email, you could set me one up, too. I think I’d prefer greg@bturnip.com over wgj.