This year Gabe decided everyone was going to be Star Wars themed for Halloween. Graydon didn’t object, and Charlie chirped and cooed, which was deemed to be agreement.
Gabe as Anakin Skywalker. It was practically impossible to get any shots of him where he wasn’t in motion.
Queen Amidala and Yoda, along with the lovely wife and Grandpa Roy.
Cousin Rosemary is at her Tinkerbell best while Graydon gets her Queen Amidala on, while also trying to flash gang signs. My thoroughly un-gangsterish kids have a habit of throwing signs.
Charlie was really quite good at Yoda…
…she even looked believable toddling around!
For the door-to-door trick or treating, we went with a hayride this year. My small trailer and some hay bales, combined with a neighbor’s 4-wheeler did the trick. We ended up with about a dozen kids- they all seemed to dig it: