I pushed this up to the level of a new article, but otherwise it is verbatim – admin
Greg ( greg@greg.com / )
Testing, testing. Note that I used a fake email address, although it is one I wish I actually had. I wasn’t sure if the email address I input would be posted visibly on the net, where it is available to spiders which go out and find email addresses on pages like this one so that they can send me ever more spam. If it shows up, I will probably elect to leave out my email address in future, since you fellas already know my email address and can guess easily enough who I am if I post in this way.
Oh, and to say something about programming, I want to know what you kids know about writing makefiles for C++ code on a LINUX box. I’m assuming I’ll find some free compiler on there, like GNU, but if you know of some other freeware one, or one that is built into the LINUX OS, let me know.
Just a general question about what your current level of expertise is, since it’s something I’m going to have to figure out in the next two weeks or so and I may want some guidance.
I am a big fan of makefiles, actaully. I think it is probably from being a linux user, doing almost all of my software development on linux boxes.
There is a very good chance (90%) that any linux box you are working with will have make, gcc/g++, and emacs.
I can get you started with makefiles pretty easy. As long as you don’t have to do something with a high complexity right out of the gates, you should have an easy time of it. There is a bit of a learning curve, but with some help you should be up and running in no time.